Dream Theater julkaisi uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon ”The Alien”

Oikealta vasemmalle: John Petrucci, Mike Mangini, James LaBrie, John Myung, Jordan Rudess Kuva: Rayon Richards

Dream Theater on julkaissut uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon ”The Alien”, joka on yhtyeen lokakuun 22. pvä julkaistavalta albumilta ”A View From The Top Of The World” (Inside Out).

“It’s the first one we wrote together. It gives people a window into what it was like when we initially met up after all of those months off. It has the adventure, the untraditional structure, the heaviness, and the hooks. It really set the tone for the album,” kertoo kitaristi John Petrucci. “James [LaBrie, singer] wrote the lyrics about the idea of terraforming and looking beyond our Earth for alternative settlements. Since we’re going beyond our planet, The Alien turns out to be us. I thought it was a cool and creative lyric by James.”


1) The Alien (9:32)
2) Answering The Call (7:35)
3) Invisible Monster (6:31)
4) Sleeping Giant (10:05)
5) Transcending Time (6:25)
6) Awaken The Master (9:47)
7) A View From The Top Of The World (20:24)

Dream Theater online:

Lähde: Dream Theater
Kuva: Rayon Richards

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