Devilmentilta uusi video ”Hell At My Back”

Kuva: Will Ireland

Devilment on julkaissut uuden livevideon kappaleesta ”Hell At My Back”. Biisi on taltioitu yhtyeen Bloodstock-keikalta elokuussa 2017. Studioversio on saatavilla bändin uusimmalla ”Devilment II: The Mephisto Waltzes” –albumilla. Metalliluolan arvion saa lukuun linkistä.

Keulamies Dani Filth kommentoi:

The live video for ’Hell At My Back’ was taken from Devilment’s performance at Bloodstock 2017, which was an awesome show played at an awesome festival. We had quite a riot at Bloodstock that year, with some truly unforgettable moments courtesy of meeting bands and friends amid many alcoholic beverages.This was actually the last show for both Lauren and Nick, who left the band amicably not long after the show for commitments in the real world.

’Hell At My Back’ is a precursor to our forthcoming appearance at this year’s HRH Metal III. Lyrically, the protagonist of the song is constantly haunted by his past, hunted by the horrors he has confronted since time immemorial. Awful things he has done in the name of love. But it is again another song of defiance, of staying the inevitable, of the eternal struggle of ’being’. Of evading the clutching powers of Hell.

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: ©Will Ireland

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.