Destruction esittelee uuden kitaristinsa: levy julkaistaan elokuussa 2019.


Destruction on julkistanut uuden kitaristinsa Damir Eskicin tuoreella esittelyvideolla. Gomorra-yhtyeessä vaikuttava Eskic on työskennellyt Destructionin kanssa aiemmin vuoden 2016 ”Under Attack” –levyllä ja liittyy alkuperäisen kitaristin Miken rinnalle muodostaen uuden nelihenkisen kokoonpanon. Eskic debytoi bändissä 8.3.2019 keikalla Italiassa.

Destruction työstää parhaillaan uutta albumia, joka ilmestyy Nuclear Blastin kautta elokuussa 2019. Pätkä uutta musiikkia on tarkistettavissa alla olevalta videolta:

Keulamies Schmier kommentoi:

Yes – we finally did it again!

For many years we’ve been talking about this but we needed the RIGHT guy! Damir Eskic is now that dude! He is a super-skilled player and also a good friend of the band. He will surely make some jaws drop and pay tribute to the history of Destruction, as he is also a fan of our music!

To be a trio, was a special thing for us, that we did with pride for many years but also Destruction had a period where we were a four piece with a second guitar. Now it was the right time to get that option back! We know there are many fans out there that have been waiting a long time for this.

We have composed and recorded the whole new album with two guitars and of course this will make us an even more intense live act and give us the chance to play songs again that we’ve not been able to play for many years…exciting times ahead!

Let´s call this a reinvention!

With Randy Black on the drums and Damir Eskic on the lead guitar, we have the fresh blood in the band that is sometimes needed to reach new goals, it will keep the Thrashmachine strong and ready for new adventures!

See you all on the road soon – the new record is coming in August via Nuclear Blast!

Damir lisää:

I am of course very happy to be a part of this Thrash Metal family and to join one of the best bands of the genre. To record three guest solos on the “Under Attack” album was already a big deal for me, now some years later, we’ve become close friends and I am really excited to be a part of this! I am looking forward to meeting the fans all over the globe and to thrash the stage with the boys!

Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.