Desolate Shrinen uusi albumi ”Deliverance from the Godless Void” kuunneltavissa


Tiedote 14.11.2017

Kotimainen death metal –yhtye Desolate Shrine on julkaissut Dark Descent Recordsin kautta neljännen studioalbuminsa ”Deliverance from the Godless Void” 10.11.2017. Levy on nyt kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta:

Levyn saa ennakkotilaukseen linkistä.

Tiedotteessa julkaisua kuvataan seuraavasti:

Unholy fucking black, death and doom Desolate Shrine is back with a new LP ”Deliverance from the Godless Void” and it fucking kills. Their songs will drag you by the skull down into their abyss of sonic chaos where you just might head bang yourself to death. Want I love about this band is how skillful the music sounds without sounding played over thought out! Desolate Shrine are at the top of their game with this release.

1. Lord of the Three Realms
2. The Primordial One
3. Demonic Evocation Prayer
4. The Graeae
5. Unmask the Face of False
6. The Waters of Man
7. The Silent Star
8. …of Hell

Kuva: Kammio Visuals
Lähde: Dark Descent Records

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