Death Metal –legenda Deiciden seitsemäs studiolevy “Scars Of The Crucifix” (2004) julkaistaan Earachen toimesta vinyylinä 11.5.2018. Tätä seurannut “The Stench Of Redemption” (2006) saapuu puolestaan kauppoihin 25.5.2018. Traileri “Scars Of The Crucifix” -levystä katsottavissa alta. Ennakkotilausta saa jätettyä linkistä. Yhtye on parhaillaan studiossa viimeistelemässä seuraajaa vuoden 2013 ”In The Minds Of Evil” –albumille.
Levy-yhtiö kertoo seuraavaa:
Recorded at the legendary Morrisound Studios in Florida ”Scars of The Crucifix” heralded the return to form of one of the Death Metal originators who after leaving their previous label were full of venom, hate and aggression all of which was channeled into this classic Earache masterpiece! Unavailable on vinyl since its original release way back in 2004, this masterpiece will be the first of two Deicide vinyl reissues, with the follow-up album ”The Stench Of Redemption” released two weeks later.
Emerging from seemingly endless controversy re-energised and re-focused, the legendary Deicide hit back with their most confrontational album in years. ’The Stench Of Redemption’ bristles with the defiance and confidence borne of a new line up (welcoming Jack Owen and Ralph Santola to the band), a new desire and a new common purpose. Crammed full of anti-christian invective supported by a barrage of blast beats and grimly direct riffing Deicide 2006 plays with the enthusiasm and intensity that puts every young pretender band to shame. The addition of fluid, melodic leads surprised many – but the aggression and violence inherent in each track pleased all those who want only one thing from Deicide – the ultimate Death Metal sound. This is as good as it gets people!
Lähde: Earache
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.