Bornholm julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”I Am War God”


Pakanametallia soittava Bornholm julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”I Am War God”, joka on yhtyeen 5.11.2021 ilmestyvältä levyltä ”Apotheosis”.

Yhtye kertoo “I Am War God” -kappaleesta:

“The song is about the ancient instinct of war and destruction of human kind, like a chisel in the hand of the sculptor forming the world when the time comes from century to century. We live hard and historical times and it’s gonna be harder than we could ever imagine. The wheels are turning by giant and ancient powers and this is what the lyrics are about. The will is the only thing that really creates, that moves the events forward… the will against will.”

Sahsnot (kitara/laulu) komentoi:

“The video was shot among the majestic woods and century-old ruins of Sweden in two parts. At first the scenes with the band members, and after a couple of days, the actors and the storyline. This is our first video that was made by a professional director, Johan Bååth, who worked with Watain earlier for example.”

01 I Divine
02 My Evangelium
03 Sky Serpents
04 The Key to the Shaft of the Abyss
05 Black Shining Cloaks
06 Spiritual Warfare
07 Darkened Grove
08 To the Fallen
09 I am War God
10 Apotheosis
11 Enthronement

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Lähde: Napalm Records

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