Death metallin tähtikokoonpano Bloodbath on julkaissut uuden singlen “Bloodicide”. Biisi on nostettu yhtyeen lokakuussa ilmestyvältä The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn” -levyltä.Singlellä vierailevat Carcassin Jeff Walker, Memoriamin ja Bolt Throwerin Karl Willets sekä Cancerin John Walker.
Albumi seuraa vuoden 2014 “Grand Morbid Funeralia” ja on yhtyeen toinen vokalisti Old Nick Holmesin kanssa ja esittelee bändin uuden kitaristin Joakim Karlssonin (Craft). “The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn” julkaistaan 26.10.2018 Peacevillen kautta. Yhtye kiertää Eurooppaa levyn julkaisun jälkeen yhdessä Dimmu Borgirin, Kreatorin sekä Hatebreedin kanssa.
Nick Holmes kommentoi:
The lads play a part in representing the backbone of the old school British Death Metal scene, which has also been a big influence on Bloodbath since the beginning.
Jeff Walker:
I owed Nick a tenner, so he told me instead of sending the bailiffs round he would kindly let me pay off my debt by contributing vocals to his new album. Imagine my great disappoint when I found out it wasn’t for THAT band but, was in fact for Bloodbath. I have great faith in him that my vocals will be lower than his in the mix.
Karl Willetts:
I have known Nick Holmes for over 30 years – so when he asked me to do some vocals for the new Bloodbath album how could I refuse? The opportunity to do things like this in life don’t often come twice so I am really pleased to contribute in a small way to this legendary opus!
John Walker:
Bloodbath is an amazing band and I’ve had the chance to do some vocals for their new, killer album along with Jeff Walker and Karl Willetts. It’s been a bloody honour and a lot of fun!!
1. Fleischmann
2. Bloodicide
3. Wayward Samaritan
4. Levitator
5. Deader
6. March Of The Crucifiers
7. Morbid Antichrist
8. Warhead Ritual
9. Only The Dead Survive
10. Chainsaw Lullaby
Bonus Tracks on Ltd Edition CD:
11. Ride The Waves Of Fire
12. Wide Eyed Abandon
Lähde: Peaceville
Kuva: Steve Brown
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.