Black Altar julkaisi musiikkivideon ”Deus Inversus” -kappaleesta

Black Altar
Kuva: Black Altar

Black metal -yhtye Black Altar on julkaissut musiikkivideon ”Deus Inversus” -kappaleesta, joka on irroitettu split-levystä yhdessä Kirkebrannin kanssa. Levy julkaistaan 30.6.2020.

Kuuntele ja katsele kappale alta:

Black Altar -yhtyeen perustaja Shadow kommentoi: “The song was written by the guitarist and myself. I am very happy with it both in terms of music and lyrics. On the musical side, because it is quite diverse, it has extremely fast blasts played by Lars Broddesson, as well as slow monumental fragments, a very fast and long solo played by our guitarist Thomas, Latin choirs sung by Alexandros from Macabre Omen and singer Lilly Kim. From the lyrical side, this is one of the most occult lyrics I have written. Simply put, ”Deus Inversus” means to me that Everything is Everything. God is also the Devil, the Original Consciousness that emerged from Chaos on the basis of adversity. That is why the Devil is God’s second face.”

Levyn kansigrafiikan on suunnitellut Nestor Avalos.

Black Altar, Kirkebrann

– Black Altar –

– Odium Records –


Lähde: Grand Sounds PR
Kuva: Black Altar

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