Belgialaisen Marche Funèbren uusi “Death Wish Woman” -EP kuunneltavissa


Tiedote 15.10.2018

Belgialainen death/doom metal ryhmä Marche Funèbre on julkaissut uuden EP:n “Death Wish Woman”, joka levy-yhtiö Satanath Recordsin toimesta kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan.

500 kappaleen rajoitetun CD-painoksen saa tilaukseen linkistä.

Levy-yhtiö kuvaa EP:tä tiedotteessa seuraavasti:

2018 marks ten years of existence of Belgian doom/death metal band Marche Funèbre. This decade of Doom calls for a celebration! No better way to do that than with the mind-blowing EP ’Death Wish Woman’, which contains some of the fastest and slowest songs ever written by them. Marche Funèbre brings their own brand of metal, with trailing guitar lines, authentic drumming style and their own flavored mix of growls, screams and haunting clean vocals. On ’Death Wish Woman’ they also introduce new influences. The guitars are pure Hanneman-worship and contain pounding sludgy riffs. We dare you not to headbang! It’s impossible. Also their lyrical approach is refreshing. The EP, including the artwork, by Axel Norman, is entirely based of the novel, Broken Wings, by renowned Lebanese writer Kahlil Gibran. A sadder story has seldom been told. Besides their own material, the EP contains a doom classic, As I Die from Paradise Lost, a song often played live by Marche Funèbre. This EP is a must have for fans of Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride but also Slayer and Immortal.

1. Broken Wings
2. Death Wish Woman
3. A Departing Guest
4. As I Die (Paradise Lost cover)

Kuva: Kurt Blommé Photography

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.