Ruotsalainen power metal –yhtye Majestica julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen ja lisätiedot kesäkuussa ilmestyvältä levyltä

Kuva: Pavel Koubek

Ruotsalainen sinfonista power metallia esittävä Majestica on tehnyt levytyssopimuksen Nuclear Blastille ja julkaisee debyyttilevynsä “Above The Sky” 7.6.2019. Yhtye on nyt julkistanut levyn lisätiedot sekä ensimmäisen singlen “Rising Tide”. Kansitaiteesta vastasi Sabatonin kitaristi Chris Rörland. Bändin keulahahmona on Sabatonin toinen kitaristi ja Twilight Forcesta sekä Reinxeedistä tuttu Tommy Johansson.

Rummut levylle soitti Helloweenissa, Gamma Rayssa ja Masterplanissa vaikuttanut Uli Kusch.

Yhtye kommentoi “Rising Tide” -kappaletta:

’Rising Tide’ is not only an epic power metal song in the vein of Edguy, Stratovarius and Running Wild. It’s also very orchestral with a lot of Hans Zimmer influences. The lyrics are about some people hoping to find the fountain of youth, because they’re becoming old and wanna relive the good times of when they were younger. This song also represents the band as well as the direction and sound of the new record pretty well. Not only for the music but also that we show that we love doing what we do and can throw in some humour here and there.

Tommy Johansson jatkaa:

It’s been many years since we last released an album, so we decided to ’start over’ as a new band, Majestica, instead. It’s not only a majestic and epic name for a power metal band from Sweden, it’s also a tribute to the album “Majestic” that we released with Reinxeed in 2010. We came up with it and it sounded great, it felt perfect for this kind of music and just feels right.

It was a huge honour (to work with Uli Kusch) and his drums make this album sound more alive than any album I’ve ever recorded with any other band before. Since many songs are inspired by Helloween and Gamma Ray, it just felt right to have his drumming and input on the songs.

Albumin saa ennakkotilaukseen linkistä.

”Above The Sky” kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Above The Sky
2. Rising Tide
3. The Rat Pack
4. Mötley True
5. The Way To Redemption
6. Night Call Girl
7. Future Land
8. The Legend
9. Father Time (Where Are You Now)
10. Alliance Forever
Bonus Tracks (DIGI & 2LP)
11. Future Land (2002)
12. Spaceballs

Tommy Johansson | guitars, vocals
Alex Oriz | guitars
Chris David | bass
Daniel Sjögren | drums (live)

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Pavel Koubek

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.