Armored Saint julkaisee uudelleen klassikkolevynsä ”Symbol Of Salvation”


Armored Saintin vuoden 1991 klassikkolevy ”Symbol Of Salvation” julkaistaan uudelleen Metal Bladen toimesta toukokuussa 2018 remasteroituna CD:nä sekä vinyylinä. Bonuksena kuullaan demonauhoituksia. Yhtye aikoo esittää albumin kokonaisuudessaan tulevan kesän Amerikan kiertueella, jolta luvassa on DVD-julkaisu. ”Symbol Of Salvation” ilmestyy 18.5.2018 ja on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.

Vokalisti John Bush kommentoi:

’Symbol Of Salvation’! Arguably Armored Saint’s most important record. These songs came out of us being dropped from Chrysalis Records and finding out about guitarist Dave Prichard developing Leukemia. The songs took on a much more emotional meaning than any other previous record. We wrote songs of desperation like ’Another Day ’and ’Last Train Home’. Experimental tunes like ’Tainted Past’ and ’The Truth Always Hurts’. Classic Saint rockers like ’Reign of Fire’, ’Dropping Like Flies’ and the title track. After Dave passed, the band regrouped with Phil and Jeff returning as the guitar tandem. It was a family again. Dave Jerden produced the record and this marked the beginning of Joey becoming the producer of the band. It’s going to be a memorable tour. Songs like ’Burning Question’ and ’Spineless’, we’ve never played live before. Come share it with us. Let’s make Dave proud.

1. Reign of Fire
2. Dropping Like Flies
3. Last Train Home
4. Tribal Dance
5. The Truth Always Hurts
6. Half Drawn Bridge
7. Another Day
8. Symbol of Salvation
9. Hanging Judge
10. Warzone
11. Burning Question
12. Tainted Past
13. Spineless>
14. Medieval Nightmares (Demo)
15. Get Lost (Demo)
16. Toungue and Cheek (Demo)
17. Pirates (Demo)

Lähde: Metal Blade

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