Vanden Plas -miehistön sivuprojekti All My Shadows julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Silent Waters”


Vanden Plas -miehistön sivuprojekti All My Shadows julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Silent Waters”. Kokoonpanossa vaikuttavat muun muassa Stephan Lill (kitara) ja Andy Kuntsz (laulu). Yhtye julkaisee debyyttinsä ”Eerie Monsters” 17.2.2022.

”The idea of recording and releasing some rock songs is something I’ve been thinking about for a while. While composing, I kept coming up with songs that have the spirit of the ’80s. As a big fan of bands from that era, like Whitesnake, Ozzy Osbourne, Dokken, and the like, I still have a huge love for music from that time. The goal was to transport that classic music into the here and now. Hard rock with a powerful production, peppered with modern musical elements,” Lill kertoo.

”Vanden Plas stands very much for progressive metal in all its variations, while All My Shadows stands very much for melodic hard rock. Musical points of contact are there, overlaps are not. All My Shadows have all the characteristics to have their own identity,” Lill jatkaa.

“Eerie Monsters” biisilista:

  1. Silent Waters
  2. A Boy Without A Name
  3. Syrens
  4. Lifeforms
  5. Wolverinized
  6. The Phantoms Of The Dawn
  7. Farewell
  8. Devil’s Ride
  9. All My Eerie Monsters


  • Stephan Lill – Guitars
  • Andy Kuntz – Vocals
  • Markus Teske – Keyboards
  • Franky R. – Bass
  • Andreas Lill – Drums

All My Shadows:

Lähde: Frontiers

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