Kitaristi Andy Gillionin ja Mors Principium Estin tiet erkanivat

Kuva: Andy Gillion

Kitaristi Andy Gillionin ja Mors Principium Estin tiet erkanivat. Artistit tiedottivat asiasta sosiaalisen median kanavillaan seuraavasti:

”To all our amazing fans: Andy Gillion is no longer a part of MORS PRINCIPIUM EST.

We want to thank Andy for the great albums we’ve made together and wish him the best of luck for the future. But fear not. This is not the end.

Expect a BIG announcement from MORS PRINCIPIUM EST in the next few days. Until then, long live MORS PRINCIPIUM EST!”

Andyn viesti:

It is with deep regret that I find myself writing this, but I will no longer be playing or writing music in Mors Principium Est. Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has supported us and listened to the music during my time in the band, those who came to a show, bought an album, picked up some merch, or just showed their support or appreciation in whatever way they felt they could. You were the reason I kept going through all the difficult times and it was a pleasure to serve you with music for almost ten years. I have never put as much effort or passion into anything in my life as I have with this band, right up until the end. However, unfortunately there are some things I cannot stay silent about anymore.

On 3rd August 2020, three months before the new album, “Seven”, was set to be released, I received a message from Ville saying, “you are not in MPE anymore.” I discovered that the record label had already been notified that I would be departing the band, without my knowledge, or consent. This was not a decision I was a part of and I certainly did not expect such an attempt to remove me from the band – just two weeks before the first single had even been released. After three years of hard work putting this album together, to have the joy of celebrating its release taken away from me as soon as I’d handed over my work, is a feeling I can’t begin to describe.

After a difficult number of years of writing the music, recording guitars, programming synths, bass and orchestration for the new album, I was alarmed to discover that only a small percentage of lyrics had been written – just one month before the album was to be sent off for mixing. Under the pressure of the looming album deadline, I felt I had no choice but to begin writing lyrics myself.

Days into the rush of writing lyrics, I was admitted to hospital, later diagnosed with a stress-related onset of hives. During my recovery, I was asked to write more lyrics. In order to salvage this project, the majority of the lyrics on this album (approx. 70%) were put together by myself in just a few weeks, sometimes submitted the same day the vocals were to be recorded.

Shortly after completing the new album, I began to notice signs of what I believed was a plot to remove me from the band. I was informed by one of my endorsement companies that they had been told to separate Mors Principium Est products from my own and keep them on separate web pages. When the endorser asked why, slanderous comments were made claiming that I don’t care about the band, only about myself. Due to the nature of these accusations, the band was consequently dropped by the endorser. My personal endorsement, which I had been excited to share with the band, thankfully remained intact.

I soon noticed that I had lost access to the band’s Spotify account. This was particularly concerning, given that I had written the music for the band for many years and was now being stripped of the right to view significant streaming data – just months before the new album launch. Ville admitted to removing my access and after asking why, I received messages stating that Mors Principium Est was his band and that I had merely joined his band.

Decisions for the new album, such as choosing which songs were to be released as singles, were made without my knowledge. I wasn’t even asked to contribute to the “thank you” notes of the album I had worked so hard to put together.

After being told I was no longer a part of the band, I discovered that my name had never been included in the record deal. Therefore, any money made from album sales was not legally owed to me. I felt unable to speak out about the truth of what had happened until I could ensure a deed had been signed to secure the royalties I am rightfully owed. Sadly, I believe that any profits I could have hoped to make from this album have now been lost to 9 months of legal fees.

I felt that there had been some growing tension following the release of my solo record, “Neverafter” – a personal project which had no negative impact on the band. After devoting almost ten years of my life to the band, I didn’t think that releasing a personal project would be an issue. Ville stated that the release of my solo album just proved to him that I don’t care about the band that much anymore. It goes without saying that nothing could be further from the truth.

I joined Mors Principium Est in 2011 and have since written four albums for the band. It is no secret that there has been a long history of lineup changes and by 2017 the band had wilted down to just two official members, Ville and myself. I now become the 13th official member to leave Mors Principium Est.

I would like to make it clear that AFM Records or any other affiliations with the band were unaware of the situation unfolding at the time and played no part.

Although incredibly difficult, I would like to end this statement on a positive note. Thank you to all the fans for your loyal support over the years. I am extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to share my music and to connect with so many awesome people around the world. I would also like to thank everyone who I have shared the stage with or became friends with on the road. I have some incredible memories to look back on and though I am completely heartbroken that this chapter has come to an abrupt and disappointing end, I look forward to moving on to the next and putting the negativity behind me.

Much love,


Lähde: Mors Principium Est & Andy Gillion
Kuva: Andy Gillion Facebook-sivun julkaisu

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