Nightwishin basisti Marko Hietala jättää yhtyeen ja vetäytyy samalla kokonaan julkisuudesta. Yhtye tiedottaa asiasta omilla Facebook-sivuillaan.
Tiedotteessa Hietala kertoo ajatuksiaan musiikkiteollisuuden epäreiluudesta, uusien inspiraatioiden hakemisesta, sekä mielenterveydellisistä syistä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet eropäätökseen:
”Dear people. I am leaving Nightwish and my public life.
For a quite a few years now I haven’t been able to feel validated by this life. We have streaming company big guns demanding 9/5 work from artists of inspiration while unfairly sharing the profits. Even among the artists. We’re the banana republic of the music industry. Biggest tour promoters squeeze percentages even from our own merchandise while paying dividends to Middle East. Apparently some theocrasies can take the money from the music that would get you beheaded or jailed there without appearing as hypocrites. Just a couple of examples here.
This past year forced me to stay home and think. And I found myself very disillusioned about these and a lot of things. I found out that I am in need of that validation. For me to write, sing and play, I need to find some new reasons and inspirations. ”My Walden” so to speak. And it’s even in my book that I’m a chronic depressive. It’s dangerous for me and the people around me, if I continue. Some of the thoughts a while back were dark. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I have my two sons, a wife, the rest of the family, friends, a dog and lots of love. And I don’t think that I’ll be gone for good.”, Hietala kirjoittaa.
”Conspiracy is the word of the day. For the people who like them I need to say that my 55th birthday is now on 14th of Jan and I’ve certainly done my time for now. Blaming for instance Tuomas is an insult to both him and my free thinking. This is a very sad thing to all of us too. Have a care please. But of course now we’ll know, if some go there on purpose.”, artisti jatkaa toivoen salaliittoteorioiden ja muiden syyttelyn jäävän pois.
”There are a couple of things agreed on that I will do on 2021. Otherwise I kindly and with respect ask the media, bands, artists projects etc. to not ask me for anything within the next year. I have some reinventing to do. I hope to tell you about it on 2022. It’s not a promise though.
I am so sorry about this.
Marko Hietala
P.S. Tony Iommi is an exception to the “no contact whatsoever”. Childhood hero takes a precedence.”, hän lopettaa toivoen kaikkia kunnioittamaan vetäytymistään julkisuudesta. Ainoan poikkeusluvan yhteydenottoihin Hietala antaa kuitenkin lapsuudensankarilleen brittikitaristi Tony Iommille.
Nightwish kertoo kunnoittavansa Hietalan eropäätöstä, ja tekevänsä suunnitellun ”Human. :II: Nature” -maailmankiertueen vielä määrittelemättömän sijaisbasistin kanssa. Yhtye ei myöskään aio kommentoida tapahtumaa enempää.
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.