Grindcore-yhtye Nasum julkaisee DVD-muodossa viimeisen keikkansa

Kuva: Soile Siirtola

Ruotsalainen grindcore-yhtye Nasum soitti viimeisen keikkansa Tukholmassa Debaser Medisissä vuonna 2012. Tuolloin Michael Panduro ohjasi ja tallensi yhtyeen keikan nimellä Blasting Shit To Bits – The Final Show”

Nyt kokonaisuus julkaistaan DVD-formaatissa 18.12.2020 (Selfmadegod Records) lukuisine bonuksineen.

Kappaleen ”Shadows” voi kuunnella alta:

Ohjaaja Michael Panduro kertoo, ”When NASUM asked me to document their final day as a band, we quickly agreed that we didn’t want to add any polish, but rather depict the day as it was. It was an intense night with a band wearing their emotions for all to see, and we didn’t want to shy away from that. So, that was my way of attacking the project, both in terms of filming and editing. To put equal focus on the things that went well, the things that went wrong, the things that were said and the things that weren’t said (as highlighted through the honest interviews throughout the film). We also wanted to create an engaging viewer experience, that was as close to being in that sweaty pit of a thousand dedicated patrons as we could. So, we incorporated footage shot by the audience, and created a sound mix that resembled the live experience more than a polished live recording. October 6th, 2012 was a night to remember. There were tears, there was joy, there was emotional release, and there was exhaustion. To see all these emotions at a grindcore show is a rare thing. In documenting the event, I hope and believe we did the night and the legacy of NASUM justice. ”
NASUM 2012 was:
Anders Jakobson – drums
Jesper Liveröd – bass/vocals
Jon Lindqvist – guitars/vocals
Urban Skytt – guitars
Keijo Niinimaa – vocals

Lähde: Earsplit PR
Kuva: Soile Siirtola
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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.