Sabaton on julkaissut uudet lyriikkavideot viimeisimmän “The Great War” –albuminsa kappaleista “Seven Pillars Of Wisdom” sekä ”82nd All The Way”. Yhtye nähdään Suomessa jälleen ensi kesällä Tampereen Rockfestissä.
”Seven Pillars Of Wisdom” kertoo Arabian Lawrencen tarinan vuodelta 1916:
Thomas Edward Lawrence was sent to Arabia in 1916 as a British liaison to the Arab forces rebelling against the Ottoman Empire with the promise of an independent Arab nation after the war was won. He became known as Lawrence of Arabia.
In his autobiography “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom” Lawrence detailed his participation in the Arab Revolt including The Battle of Tafilah, The Siege of Medina, The Capture of Damascus, and frequent raids against Ottoman controlled Hejaz railway during World War I among many other battles.
While Lawrence was fighting the Ottoman’s in the Middle East, Britain and France forged the Sykes–Picot Agreement, a secret treaty to divide the Arabic territory among each other instead of relinquishing it to their Arabic allies as initially promised. It is not known when Lawrence became aware of the agreement but he did not agree with the deception and attempted to convince his superiors that an independent Arab nation was in their best interest however he was met with little success.
Lawrence left Arabia immediately following the end of the War, returned to the United Kingdom, and continued to serve in various government and military positions. He was fatally injured in a motorcycle accident in 1935 at the age of 46.
”82nd All The Way” -kappaleen historiaa:
Sergeant Alvin York from Tennessee made his name known on the 8th of October, 1918 during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive when he led 16 men against the German defensive machine gun nests on Hill 223. They worked their way behind the Germans and overran the headquarters of a German unit, capturing a large group of German Soldiers, when machine gun fire rang out killing 6 Americans and wounding 3 others. Sergeant York ordered the remaining 7 soldiers to guard the captured Germans while he worked his way towards the German guns. After exchanging gunfire with the Germans, York was charged by 6 Germans with fixed bayonets. Out of ammo for his rifle, Sergeant York drew his pistol and shot all 6 before they could reach him. German Army First Lieutenant Paul Jürgen Vollmer emptied his pistol at York while he was contending with the machine guns. Failing to injure York, and seeing his mounting losses, he offered to surrender the unit to York, who accepted. Sergeant York and his remaining men men marched 132 German prisoners back to the American lines.
The 82nd Infantry Division was given the nickname “All Americans” to reflect its unique composition of having soldiers from all 48 states (at the time). As the 82nd Infantry Division their motto was “All The Way!” and after they were redesignated the 82nd Airborne Division in 1942 their motto became “Death From Above.”
Lähde: Sabaton
Kuva: Peter Saari ©Metalliluola