Tiedote 5.4.2020
Venäläisen metalliyhtye Arian huhtikuussa 2019 taltioidusta Guest From The Shadow Kingdom -erikoiskonsertista on julkaistu 45 minuutin dokumentti ”Behind The Shadow Kingdom”, joka katsottavissa alta.
Dokumentista vastasivat brasilialais-norjalainen artisti Isis Sousa, Tomorrow’s Outlookin Trond Nicolaisen sekä saksalainen muusikko Daniel Höhr.
Metalliluolan arvion ”Guest From The Shadow Kingdom” – CD/DVD-paketista saa lukuun linkistä.
Sousa kommentoi:
I didn’t know the band, even though I have enjoyed heavy metal now for almost three decades and have worked with metal labels and bands of different countries. The very idea to be able to show and talk about the making of such a huge concert was very appealing to me as metal fan and visual artist.
Tron Nicolaisen jatkaa:
“Behind The Shadow Kingdom” is just another way to present Aria to a western audience. They are definitely among the hardest working heavy metal bands in the business, and I would love to see them receive more recognition on a global scale. No one deserves it more.
Daniel Höhr päättää:
It is amazing to see how people from literally all around the world connected to contribute to this project and it was a great honour to work closely with the band. There is a growing appreciation of Aria‘s music in the West and one feels part of a huge family of Aria fans. Apart from the stunning show and great music, I think this aspect of how people from all corners of the world unite with Aria comes across really well in our documentary.
Arian Vitaly Dubinin päättää:
As a band, we are very excited to be involved in such an interesting project. We haven’t experienced anything like this ever before. Reviews from the western audience were very positive. It seems that everyone enjoyed the Guest of the Shadow Kingdom concert. We are very much looking forward to watching this video to remember that day once again. We would like to thank all our fans and media from the West who keep supporting us strongly. We hope to see you soon live. Stay heavy!
Kuva: Aria