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Ystävänpäivä kääntyy rikkinäisen rakkauden pakkomielteeksi Lizzy Bordenin uudella musiikkivideolla

Lizzy Borden on julkaissut uuden Dave Brodskyn ohjaaman musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Obsessed With You”. Biisi on nostettu yhtyeen viime kesäkuussa ilmestyneeltä “My Midnight Things” –paluulevyltä.

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Ultimately, it’s a song about (obviously) being obsessed with someone or something, but the nature of that obsession isn’t clear. We wonder who is obsessed with whom. Have our characters met before? Do they have a history together? Is the obsession real? Is the interaction real? Or is it all a delusion? The idea of being “invisible” – especially to someone you may love – is incredibly lonely. Even within a crowd, when feeling like this, one can tend to feeling isolated – even paranoid – as if everyone around you knows what you’re feeling and revels in your pain. None of that may be true. Perhaps nobody even notices you. But the sense of being separated from the world can be very powerful. Couple that separation with the sense of being unnoticed by the object of your desire and, although I wouldn’t recommend it, one may perhaps be forgiven for becoming obsessive in the pursuit of that love…if for nothing else, but to salve the dying ego and spend a brief moment feeling somehow less alone. So, in a sense, this is a fractured love story that explores isolation, loneliness, and (of course) obsession.

Lähde: Metal Blade

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