Pohjois-Carolinasta tuleva hardcore-yhtye Violent Life Violent Death julkaisee uuden levynsä ”The Color of Bone” myöhemmin tänä vuonna.
Nyt yhtye julkaisi singlen kappaleesta ”Roseblade”:
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”In The Color Of Bone we wanted to expand on the darker elements we experimented with from our previous album, Sadness Rains, with a bit more of a punch. Lyrically, the content shares this same sentiment, largely inspired by the psychological depths of being in quarantine and the state of the world around us at the time. The album title The Color Of Bone is representative of humanity being made of all the same materials in the end. We feel this is our most accomplished work to date, finally capturing the sound we’ve been subconsciously striving for throughout the evolution of the band over the last four years.”

1. Grave Walk
2. Dead With Me
3. Roseblade
4. Linger
5. The Color Of Bone
David Holquin – drums
Joe Benham – guitar
Scott Cowan – vocals
Joey Park – guitar
Justin Campbell – bass
Lähde: Earsplit
Kuva: Justin Driscoll