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Vader julkisti lisätiedot ”Solitude In Madness” -levystä

Kuva: Henryk Michaluk

Vader julkaisee uuden studiolevyn ”Solitude In Madness” 1.5.2020 Nuclear Blastin kautta. Albumi on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä. 

Wes Benscoterin suunnittelema kansitaide ja lisätiedot katsottavissa alta.

Laulaja/kitaristi Peter Wiwczarek kertoo seuraavaa:

Humanity never learns from its lessons. I feel tensions continuing to rise around the world. People have forgotten about true pain, from a bigger picture standpoint. Generationally, the new generation doesn’t respect the old, and I’d challenge they don’t even respect themselves. Our everyday lives are on TV, so there’s no soul left. Everything’s empty. I think technology is also sucking the human out of us. There are more lonely people now than ever before, and yet we’re supposed to be connected together by technology. It’s madness! That’s where the title, ’Solitude in Madness’, came from, actually. Of course, I approach these topics in a very Vader way. I love telling stories and expressing myself through those stories.

Uusi single ”Shock And Awe” soimaan alta:

1. Shock And Awe
2. Into Oblivion
3. Despair
4. Incineration Of The Gods
5. Sanctification Denied
6. And Satan Wept
7. Emptiness
8. Final Declaration
9. Dancing In The Slaughterhouse
10. Stigma Of Divinity
11. Bones

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Henryk Michaluk

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