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Uusia kotimaisia demoja tarjoilevat Wounded Titan, Disguised Malignance ja Xavarthan

Wounded Titan

Wounded Titan -yhtyeen demo ”Men of Forgotten Songs” kuunneltavissa


  1. Men of Forgotten Songs I
  2. Men of Forgotten Songs II

Lähde: Wounded Titan

Disguised Malignance

Disguised Malignance -yhtyeen demo ”Diabolical Extermination” kuunneltavissa:


  1. Dismal Decease
  2. Diabolical Extermination
  3. Step In The Grave


All songs & lyrics written by Aatos Palmu and Felix Pennanen. Mixing, Producing and artwork by Felix Pennanen.

Lähde: Disguised Malignance


Xavarthanin uusi demo ”Last Forgotten Memories” kuunneltavissa:


1. Intro (Dark path to the medieval days)

2. As I last arrive

3. Werewolves magic attack

4. Hundred tears sacrificed

5. Arrival of the forestial rays

6. Serpent´s shield

7. Where winter night shines

Lähde: Xavarthan

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