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Uhrataan Jeesus Saatanalle, Vuoden Pimeimpänä Päivänä: Azazel, Gloomy Grim & Astral Corpse Keravalla 20.12.2019.

Tiedote 30.11.2019

Azazel, Gloomy Grim ja Astral Corpse Xmas desecration…yhtyeet lavalla Keravan Ravintola Ahjon Pajassa 20.12.2019.

Azazel on ilmoittanut julkaisevansa levyn ”Aegrum Satanas Tecum” ensi vuonna. Uutta materiaalia kuvataan seuraavasti:

Azazel has composed new material. 6 songs are ready and Will Be recorded (/hopefully released) next year, 2020! Really ugly, primitive and evil stuff coming up!


Although this time songs were composed By Mavrofos instead of Wakboth who has composed around 80% of material which came out between 2000 and 2018. Still new songs sound like pure Azazel material. Material is also more primitive and aggressive. One could say this new material draws a lot of inspiration from demo era Azazel and also we are aiming for more primitive production..

Liput 6eur. Keravan asemalta 2km. Keikan jälkeen lähtee bussi Terästieltä 00:52 asemalle tarvittaessa.

Astral Corpse 21:00
Azazel 22:00
Gloomy Grim 23:00

Ravintola Ahjon Paja
Terästie 2
04220 Kerava

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