Äärimetalliyhtye Thy Art Is Murder on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta “Make America Hate Again”. Biisi on nostettu yhtyeen viidenneltä albumilta ”Human Target”, joka ilmestyy 26.7.2019 Nuclear Blastin kautta.
Max Mooren ohjaaman videon saa katseluun alta:
Biisi on ladattavissa linkistä.
Kitaristi Andy Marsh kommentoi:
Whilst we collectively identify as a left leaning band, this song was not written to attack those who sit on the right side of the political sphere, but as a commentary on the tactics employed by both campaigns in the most recent US presidential election. These crusades of social warfare would surely succeed in one result regardless of the victor, making people hate one another.
The blood lust of the political spectator, armed with Fox, CNN and an iPhone, was satiated with aggressive slander filled debate and fake radicalized propaganda masquerading as news, where both sides of the field rallied to provoke. Identity politics spread like the wildfires of California, smoking out people of all creeds to be branded as red or blue.
Those on the regressive left may indeed have as much to answer for as their far right opponents for creating a heaving divide in the space of public discourse, and a sustaining sense of animosity among communities around America and abroad.
Polarizing leaders like Trump are, in part, a result of who we have become. Disconnected.
Levyn tuotti, miksasi ja masteroi Will Putney. Kansitaiteesta vastasi jälleen kerran Eliran Kantor.
“Human Target” on ennakkotilattavissa eri formaateissa: www.thyartismurder.net
1. Human Target
2. New Gods
3. Death Squad Anthem
4. Make America Hate Again
5. Eternal Suffering
6. Welcome Oblivion
7. Atonement
8. Voyeurs Into Death
9. Eye For An Eye
10. Chemical Christ
Thy Art Is Murder:
C.J. McMahon | Vocals
Sean Delander | Rhythm Guitar
Kevin Butler | Bass Guitar
Jesse Beahler | Drums
Andy Marsh | Lead Guitar
Lähde: Nuclear Blast