Anette Olzonin ja Jani Liimataisen johtama The Dark Element on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon tulevan “Songs The Night Sings” –levyn nimikappaleesta. Albumi seuraa yhtyeen kaksi vuotta sitten kauppoihin saapunutta debyyttiä ja julkaistaan 8.11.2019 Frontiers-levymerkin kautta.
Anette Olzon kommentoi:
It’s a thrill that we’re releasing yet another album and for me it’s been even easier to record this one since me and Jani now know each other really well. For me, this album is bigger and better and I believe the ones who liked the first one will really like this one too. All I can say is that I already long to do another album. Hep hep!
Jani Liimatainen jatkaa:
I think the album is very heavy, but still hyper melodic, and this time we are even exploring new musical territories we didn’t on the previous album. Now that me and Anette have one album together under our belts, we have found the style we want to pursue and also the ideal way of working together. Given all this, I think it’s safe to say that with this album you’ll get even more of what made the first album so good, only it’s gonna be bigger, better and bolder!
1. Not Your Monster
2. Songs The Night Sings
3. When It All Comes Down
4. Silence Between The Words
5. Pills On My Pillow
6. To Whatever End
7. The Pallbearer Walks Alone
8. Get Out Of My Head
9. If I Had A Heart
10. You Will Learn
11. I Have To Go
Lähde: Frontiers