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Thaurorod tarjoilee musiikkivideon “The Commonwealth Lives” helmikuussa 2018 ilmestyvältä levyltä

Tiedote 15.12.2017

Kotimainen melodista metallia soittava Thaurorod on julkaissut toisen singlen ja musiikkivideon “The Commonwealth Lives” helmikuussa ilmestyvältä “Coast Of Gold” albumilta. Kappaleen tarina perustuu Iso-Britannian diktaattori Oliver Cromwellin valtakauteen 1600-luvulla. Laulaja Andi Kravljaca kommentoi:

In 1644, Oliver Cromwell led his Ironsides Cavalry to victory in the battle of Marston Moor, and set in motion a movement which would end with the execution of the king. Though Cromwell’s Commonwealth only lasted 11 years, its memory would forever limit the power which any British monarch could hold over the people. The song is told through the eyes of one of Cromwell’s followers, who, though he sits imprisoned, awaiting his death, knows that his sacrifice has helped to take power from the hands of the king, to the hands of the people. Thus, the Commonwealth lives.

”Coast Of Gold” on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.

1. Power
2. The Commonwealth Lives
3. Coast Of Gold
4. 24601
5. Feed The Flame
6. Cannibal Island
7. Into The Flood
8. My Sun Will Rise
9. Illuminati
10. Halla

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