Yhdessä Finntrollin kanssa Eurooppaa kiertävä kotimainen Suotana julkaisi videon kappaleestaan ”The Ancient”. Video on kuvattu John Smith Rock Festivaalilla vuonna 2023. Videon on editoinut Tuomas Saukkonen.
Yhtye kertoo:
”We are embarking on our very first European tour with Finntroll and Metsatöll at the beginning of April. In honor of the tour we decided to release a music video for ’The Ancient’ consisting of live material so you know what you will get at a Suotana show! The footage for the music video was filmed last summer in the John Smith Rock Festival where we had the privilege of opening the mainstage on the second festival day. A big thank you to Kuja Media and ThroughWarriorEyes and others who distributed the footage for the video. An extra special thank you for the edit to Tuomas Saukkonen, our brother in arms! Come and join us on Ounas I over Europe in the following days!”
Muita yhtyeen videoita:
Through The Mammoth Valley (Music Video) https://youtu.be/
Land Of The Dead (Music Video): https://youtu.be/
River Ounas (Visualizer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Tuomo Marttinen – Vocals
Ville Rautio – Guitars
Pasi Portaankorva – Guitars
Tommi Neitola – Keyboards
Rauli Alaruikka – Bass
Rauli Juopperi – Drums
Forgotten Soil Of This Land (2014)
Frostrealm (2015)
Land Of The Ending Time (2018)
SUOTANA linkit:
Lähde: Reaper Entertainment