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SoulHealer tiedottaa miehistönvaihdoksista ja tulevasta albumista

Kotimainen Heavy Metallin lähettiläs SoulHealer ilmoittaa uudessa tiedotteessa miehistönvaihdoksista. Rumpali Kai Vainionpää sekä kitaristi ja yksi perustajajäsenistä Sami Mikkonen ovat jättäneet yhtyeen henkilökohtaisista syistä. Heidät korvaa JiiPee Haikola (ex-BlackMarch) kitarassa sekä aiemmin yhtyeessä soittanut rumpali Timo Immonen. Yhtye työstää parhaillaan materiaalia vuoden 2014 ”Bear The Cross”-albumin seuraajalle, jonka julkaisua odotellaan ensi vuoden aikana. Myös uusia keikkoja on lähiaikoina luvassa.

Lue koko tiedote alta:

We know, that it has been a bit quiet in the SoulHealer Camp lately. But we did not want to reveal stuff before the time was right and plans for the future were not 110% set. First we have to inform you, that our drummer Kai Vainionpää and also guitarist and founding member Sami Mikkonen have left the band for personal reasons. This is something that was not that easy to deal with and took some time too. But now we want to welcome JiiPee Haikola on guitar from the disbanded Kajaani based band BlackMarch as new member to the SoulHealer Family. And on drums we welcome back Timo Immonen, who has left for private reasons after the recording of ”Chasing The Dream” in 2013.

The band is right now already working on song ideas for the follow up for “Bear The Cross” from 2014, which should be ready for a release somewhere in 2018. For this year we have also already lined up a few gigs in Finland, which will be announced not that far in the future.

SoulHealer 2017 (from left to right)

Jori Kärki, Vocals
Lari Lämpsä, Bass
Timo Immonen, Drums
JiiPee Haikola, Guitar
Teemu Kuosmanen, Guitar

Kuva: Antti Härkönen

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