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Solothus julkaisi kolmannen albuminsa ”Realm Of Ash And Blood”

Suomalainen death/doom metal -yhtye Solothus on julkaissut kolmannen pitkäsoittonsa. ”Realm Of Ash And Blood” nimeä kantava levy pitää sisällään seitsemän kappaletta.

Levyn voi käydä tilaamassa muun muassa LP-muodossa täältä.

Yhtyeen tuorein albumi on kerännyt mediassa hyviä ennakkoarvosteluja:

”…this Finnish quintet’s strengths are perfectly signposted by their third album’s opening one-two, ’Father Of Sickness’ and ’The Watcher:’ gritty, head-caving death-doom hung with melancholy melodies, but also packing an irresistible groove and swagger that should prick the ears of any who miss Cathedral more each year…” – Decibel Magazine
”It’s a mammoth and merciless crusher that features macabre roaring vocals, spleen-rupturing drums, and gargantuan gut-gouging riffing… the band also set loose flurries of gut-punching, head-bobbing sonic jabs, while the vocals occasionally segue into fearsome screams.” – No Clean Singing
”…Realm Of Ash and Blood enjoys the typical blend of doom’s plod with death metal’s edge but successfully amplifies both to the extremes.” – Invisible Oranges
”…this album is incredibly balanced… one of the finest examples so far this year on how to do death/doom right-a worthy addition to 20 Buck Spin’s ever-growing roster of kick ass albums and bands.” – Metal Temple
”…everything that makes death metal exciting more than thirty years after it first reared its ugly, vomiting skullhead-a triumphant mixture of abrasion and melody, impenetrable density underscored by an elegant atmosphere, and even a bit of rock ’n’ roll badassery…” – Treble
”Awful times often call for music that conjures the most depressing and sullen of moods, and SOLOTHUS nail that on Realm Of Ash and Blood. – Meat Mead Metal
”There is a real magic to Realm Of Ash and Blood. You do not hear too often the perfect marriage of sledgehammer death metal and the atmospheric qualities of doomy melancholy, but here you have it full on and side by side. 5/5” – The Metal Wanderlust
”This is a band who clearly treasure the masters of old but are trying to put their own spin on things… Realm Of Ash And Blood grabs listeners and forces their heads underwater to soak in the endless volume.” – Two Guys Metal Reviews
”…Realm Of Ash And Blood holds nothing back, dropping monstrous and explosive riffs with guttural and unlovable vocals all over the place… it’s a record that comes damn close to depicting what a post-apocalyptic wasteland should feel like.” – Indy Metal Vault
Lähde: Earsplit
Kuva: Solothus
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