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Sodom julkaisi uuden singlen ”1982”

Saksalainen thrash-veteraani Sodom julkaisi uuden singlen ja videon ”1982”. Kappale tulee yhtyeen 28.8.2022 julkaistavalle juhlakokoelmalle ”40 Years At War-The Greatest Hell Of Sodom”.

Tom Angelripper“At first, we just wanted to be a band, the music was almost an afterthought. We were against everything and everyone, wanted to shock the world and the more people hated us, the more motivated we got. Nobody would have expected that 40 years later, we’re still alive and playing. Those 40 years have gone by in a flash, but we continue to look forward.”
Kokoelma levynkannen on suunnitellut Eliran Kantor:

Lähde: SPV/Steamhammer

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