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Silentium julkaisi uuden lyriikkavideon ”Unchained”

Kuva: Johan "Staffan" Turbanov

Tiedote 25.3.2020

Silentium on julkaissut uuden lyriikkavideon kappaleesta ”Unchained”. Biisiä saattelee yhtyeen uusi levytyssopimus.

Kotimaisen goottimetallin pioneeri ja kulttibändinkin tittelillä synkästi siunattu yhtye heräilee näyttävästi vuosikymmenen mittaisesta horroksestaan. Bändi julkaisee kuudennen studioalbuminsa vuoden 2020 elokuussa saksalaisen Out of Line Musicin kautta ja heittää ennen koko gospelin levittämistä pari sinkku-videokomboa kevään mittaan melodisen hevin ystäviä hellimään.

Levyn jälkeen luvassa on Suomen kiertue syksyllä 2020. Kiertueaikataulu julkaistaan myöhemmin.

Riina Rinkinen kertoo:

We are very happy to be signed to Out of Line Music as we think Silentium is a great addition to their already impressive spread, that includes other kick-ass Finnish acts such as Bloodred Hourglass, Brymir and Blind Channel.

The song is about beating the odds and not surrendering in the face of adversity, thus sending a fitting message for what the world is going through right now. I hope it can act as some encouragement in these trying times. I truly believe we can soldier through even the deepest turmoil – as humanity has in the past.

The support and interest we’ve received from our fans across the globe throughout our long brewing period has been incredible. I can’t begin to tell you how happy we are to finally deliver new material to everyone who’s patiently stood by us through an entire decade of silence. We now hope to play live to as many people and in as many locations as possible, both in Finland and abroad – once the world returns to normal. More material is also already in the works.

Sami Boman jatkaa:

For years it has lurked in the dark waiting to be released. The idea of this song started to grow from the rhythmic pattern hammered by Janne’s drums in the beginning of the track and evolved to this kind of a solid headbanger of the upcoming album. Riina’s amazing vocals and Aapeli’s and Juha’s smashing guitar leads then perfected the final arrangement.

Riina Rinkinen (laulu)w
Sami Boman (koskettimet)
Juha Lehtioksa (kitara)
Aapeli Kivimäki (kitara)
Janne Ojala (rummut)
Ville Koskinen (basso)

Kuva: Johan ”Staffan” Turbanov

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