Ruotsalainen doom/sludge metallia soittava Serpent Omega julkaisee kokopitkänsä 4.9.2020 (Icons Creating Evil Art). Yhtye julkaisi musiikkivideon ”Land of Darkness” -kappaleesta, jonka voit katsoa alta:
Yhtye kertoo biisistä ja videosta: ”The video for ’Land Of Darkness’ feels like a natural extensions of the song. Visually it’s a grim experience, where I make an homage to the death goddess Hel empowered by the energy from the band. The set is reminiscent our live performances, with skulls, bones, horns, and feathers which form a subtitle hint to animism, destruction, death, ancient rituals, and mythological entities. The symbols, both hidden and obvious, connects to the lyrics of the song and calls to the long-forgotten power that hides in the dark, waiting to be awakened.”
Lähde: Earsplit PR
Kuva: Serpent Omega