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Rob Halford julkaisee “Confess”-elämänkerran lokakuussa 2020

Kuva: Pete Alander

Judas Priest –legenda Rob Halford julkaisee odotetun elämänkerran ”Confess” lokakuussa 2020.

Ian Gittinsin kanssa työstetty 320-sivuinen kirja ilmestyy 1.10.2020 ja sitä kuvataan seuraavasti:

Rob Halford is the legendary frontman of Judas Priest, one of the most successful heavy metal bands of all time.

Known as ’The Metal God’ by his devoted, global fan base, Rob Halford has always subverted the norm, and Confess will offer readers a compelling and honest look at the struggles he has faced with addiction and his sexuality as well as exploring his music and his many brushes with controversy.

There have been few vocalists in the history of heavy metal whose singing style has been as influential and instantly recognizable as Halford’s. Confess, published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Judas Priest – and described by Halford himself as ’exciting, fun, disturbing and terrifying’ – will celebrate five decades of the guts and glory of rock-n-roll.

Teoksen saa ennakkotilaukseen linkistä.

Halfordin uusi levy ”Celestial” on nyt julkaistu.

Kuva: Pete Alander ©Metalliluola

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