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Rhapsody Of Fire julkaisi tulevalta levyltään ”A Brave New Hope” -singlen ja lyriikkavideon

Kuva: Massimo Battista

Rhapsody Of Fire julkaisee seuraavan albuminsa Challenge The Wind” 31.5.2024.

“Compared to all previous Rhapsody Of Fire releases, the current album consists exclusively of up-tempo numbers, not a single ballad in sight,” yhtye kertoo. “None of our other records have featured as much pure, unadulterated metal as ‘Challenge The Wind’!” 

Yhtye julkaisi levyltä uuden singlen ja lyriikkavideon ”A Brave New Hope”.

RHAPSODY OF FIRE - A Brave New Hope (2024) // Official Lyric Video // AFM Records

Levyn nimeä kantava ensisingle julkaistiin aiemmin:

RHAPSODY OF FIRE - Challenge the Wind (2024) // Official Music Video // AFM Records

“The new Rhapsody Of Fire single “Challenge The Wind” is another strong musical statement from the band. Speed, energy, orchestrations, shredding guitars, amazing vocals and choirs; truly epic and divine music. Expect to be blown away, the entire album will shake you to your core!“

‘Challenge The Wind’ biisit:
01. Challenge the Wind
02. Whispers of Doom
03. The Bloody Pariah
04. Vanquished by Shadows
05. Kreel’s Magic Staff
06. Diamond Claws
07. Black Wizard
08. A Brave New Hope
09. Holy Downfall
10. Mastered by the Dark


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