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Ralf Scheepers ylistää Judas Priestin ”Screaming For Vengeance” -albumia uudella videolla

Kuva: Freischrift/fotografie

Primal Fearin vokalisti Ralf Scheepers kertoo uudella videolla Judas Priestin vuoden 1982 klassikkolevyn ”Screaming For Vengeance” vaikutuksesta laulajan elämään ja uraan.

Scheepers kommentoi:

The album really changed my life back in the days. I was 18 when it was released, and it totally changed my life. And I was already singing in bands but “Screaming For Vengeance” by Judas Priest wow, what an album! You know, I can only repeat myself, this has changed my life in terms of banging my head. It was good for my back muscles in the neck. So, I can really recommend you guys to listen to that one. I’m happy with my vinyl version but of course there are CD’s and other stuff out there. So, choose wherever you wanna get it.

Lähde: Bandbond
Kuva: Freischrift/fotografie

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