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Rage studiossa taltioimassa uutta levyä

Kuva: Noelia Amieva

Saksalainen pitkän linjan metalliyhtye Rage on studiossa taltioimassa uutta levyä. Bändi tiedotti asiasta Facebook-sivullaan:

Hey Rageheadds,

today we want to share some studio pictures from our recent recording sessions. As with everything this year we have to record our new album differently than usual. Jean and Lucky went over to Spain to record the drums there in only a couple of days – what a hell of a trip, I’m sure you will hear more from this, soon. The vocals and guitars are being recorded at Jeans’s studio. Even though everything is a bit more difficult lately, we are extremely grateful that we can keep doing what we love. Because we can’t tell you anything more about our upcoming album at this stage, we are curious what you guys would name the next Rage album if you had to?

Photo credits (last picture): Noelia Amieva

Lähde: Rage
Kuva: Noelia Amieva

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