Kissin alkuperäinen rumpali Peter Criss soitti uransa päätöskonsertin New Yorkissa, The Cutting Roomissa 17.6.2017. Catmania keikalla säestivät mm. kitaristi Erik Rudic, kosketinsoittaja Alex Salzman sekä torvi- ja jousisoittajat. Setti koostui Kiss-klassikoiden lisäksi Crissin vuoden 1978 soolodebyytin materiaalista. Show on nyt katsottavissa kokonaisuudessaan useasta eri lähteestä taltioidulla videolla.
Criss kommentoi viime vuonna lopettamispäätöstään seuraavasti:
You know what?! I’m 71. That scares me when I say that but if you’re around me, I’m like a 15-year-old kid — I really am. But I’ve had an amazing career in music. I was around in the ’60s and ’70s, which was about the best time to be a musician. I actually saw Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison and The Beatles when I was young. I’ve seen the greatest of the greats perform. I grew up at a time when music was so cool. There was Bob Dylan, and things were changing — things were becoming amazing for musicians in the world. So I played clubs for 15 years, then I started the band with the guys. So I’m 71 I’m in the best health I’ve been in for a while, and I thought if I’m gonna do it, I’ve gotta do it now. I had male breast cancer and I beat it, and that’s really changed my life, and my wife also beat cancer too, so I went out I signed autographs, I wrote a book. When I connected [with the fans] again, I got to hear their stories and they’d ask me if I’d play again or sing again; there was so much love. And when I looked around, everyone was slowing down or retiring, like Eric Clapton, and I wondered what I have left.
Crissin edellinen levy “One For All” julkaistiin vuonna 2007. Rumpali on kertonut uuden raskaampaa musiikkia sisältävän sooloalbuminsa olevan viimeistelyä vaille valmis.
I Can’t Stop The Rain
Hooked On Rock’n’Roll
Strange Ways
Don’t You Let Me Down
You Matter To Me
Nothin’ To Lose
Hard Luck Woman
Rock And Roll All Nite
Sing, Sing, Sing
Mike Brunn
Anthony Siano, JR., DC
Vincent Innocente
Eric McConnell
Monchiy Masami Kashitani