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Papa Emeritus: 15 levyn jälkeen ketä vastaan Manowar taistelee?

Ghostin keulamies Papa Emeritus on itävaltalaiselle Krone-lehdelle antamassaan haastattelussa kertonut näkemyksiään metallimusiikista. Papan mukaan metallin teemat perustuvat pelkkään fantasiaan ja pop-musiikissa tai indiessä viesti on aidompi. Papa nostaa esimerkiksi sankarimetallin pioneeriyhtye Manowarin, jonka sanoma 15 levyn jälkeen on miehen mielestä käynyt tylsäksi.

Laulaja kommentoi:

Many metal bands have unreal lyrics that revolve around dragons or demons. Pop music or even indie and alternative are simply more open and honest. It’s about the feelings and not about superficialities or fantasies. Ghost are similar in that way, but most of our lyrics have a double meaning. For example, ”Square Hammer” has a completely different meaning than what the title says. On the other hand, metal bands use JRR Tolkien verses, who have no particular meaning or sing for their right to rock.

Manowarista mies kertoo seuraavaa:

After 15 Manowar albums you ask yourself, ’Against whom are they actually fighting? You have the right to rock and you do it all the time anyway…No offense – I love the first three Manowar albums, but after a certain time the concept bores me and it runs off. I do not take criticism too seriously, because on the whole we deliver a theatrical piece with Ghost that goes deeper than most people think. But I will not tell anyone what it is, that’s not my job.

Koko haastattelu luettavissa linkistä. Ghost valmistelee uutta albumia, Manowar tuo puolestaan ”The Final Battle”- jäähyväiskiertueensa Skandinaviaan marraskuussa.


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