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Pahaa Speed Metallia Helsingistä: Rapidin uusi single ”Ancient Force” kuunneltavissa.

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Tiedote 1.11.2017

Helsinkiläinen speed metal –yhtye Rapid julkaisee seiskatuumaisen singlen ”Ancient Force” b/w ”Evil Crusade” tulevana perjantaina 3.11.2017 Svart-levymerkin kautta. 300 kappaleen rajoitettuna painoksena ilmestyvä single on nyt kuunneltavissa alta:

Tiedotteessa yhtyettä kuvataan seuraavasti:

More exciting than Exciter, more dangerous than Ranger? Possessed by Destruction and seething with Venom, Finland’s Rapid are about to graduate from the Old School of Heavy Metal. The youthful trio, with Vincent Revenge on bass and vocals, Atte “Spectre” Nikku on guitar and The Goon on drums, have already been picked as the Band of the Week by Fenriz in 2016 based on their Deadly Torment demo tape, which became something of an underground sensation.

Svart Records are proud to present the first Rapid vinyl release. True to the old school, it is a classic seven inch single with two tracks. Limited to 300 copies, this one-time pressing is guaranteed to sell out fast.

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