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Northtale julkaisi Tokiossa kuvatun livevideon ”Time To Rise” -kappaleesta

Ruotsalais-amerikkalainen power metal -yhtye Northtale on julkaissut Tokiossa kuvatun livevideon ”Time To Rise” -kappaleesta. Bändi veti viime vuonna kaksi keikkaa Japanissa Evoken Festillä, josta videokin on tallennettu.

Bändi kommentoi: “We hope everyone is staying safe during these crazy times! Since we know you’re gonna be at home and we can’t really play live for the foreseeable future, how about we show you a little bit of what our Japan tour was like? Thanks to director Jason McNamara who shot and edited this (not to mention hanging and driving us around) over the 2 nights we performed in Tokyo at Evoken Metal Fest last September! And finally, thanks to Yama Darkblaze for bring us to Japan, Ryo and our label King Records, Makoto Suzuki at ESP Guitars, as well as KORG and Pearl Drums for all the support!” 

Lähde: ALPHA OMEGA Records & Management 
Kuva: Northtale

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