Tiedote 3.2.2020
Turkulainen black metal –yhtye Norrhem on julkaissut uuden singlen ”Syvän vihamme liekit”. Albumi “Koitos” ilmestyy 5.2.2020 ja on tilattavissa linkistä. Levyn kansitaiteesta vastasi Linda Piekäinen.
Levyä kuvataan seuraavasti:
Cold and majestic, geniously melodic, fast-paced true Finnish Black Metal in the northern tradition! ”Koitos” definitely sounds very much what the current Finnish Black Metal scene offers, breathing its freezing winter air but you can also hear influences even from old Amorphis, proving that Norrhem is not just another typical modern Finnish band but has its own refreshing style and thus being one of the most interesting and promising bands at the moment. Pro sound, mastered in Trollhouse Audio.
1. Alkusoitto
2. Uhrattu
3. Yön Sylessä On Polkumme
4. Syvän Vihamme Liekit
5. Lopussa
6. Taistelo (Aleksis Kivi 1866)
7. Vapaa Sielu Pohjoisen
V – Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
M – Drums
T – Clean Vocals
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorrhemOfficial
Bandcamp: https://norrhem.bandcamp.com