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Norjalainen Thokkian Vortex julkaisi uuden kappaleen “Traverse The Tonal”

Tiedote 15.2.2020

Norjalainen black metal –yhtye Thokkian Vortex on julkistanut uuden albuminsa nimeksi “Thy Throne is Mine” ja julkaisupäiväksi 28.2.2020, levy ilmestyy Non Serviam Recordsin kautta. Ex-Ancient vokalisti Lord Kaiphasin johtama yhtye on julkaissut albumilta toisen singlen “Traverse The Tonal”.

Lord Kaiaphas kommentoi:

‘Thy Throne is Mine’ is simply the best Black Metal that I’m capable of creating thus far. As a whole, it’s an album with songs that are catchy and memorable. I didn’t want to make an album with every song sounding the same. For the lyrics of “Banishing the Lion of Kutha” I created a story based on Sumerian and Akkadian mythology. This song has a warlike feeling.

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Aiemmin ilmestynyt lyriikkavideo kappaleesta ‘Banishing the Lion of Kutha’ katsottavissa alta:


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