Äskettäin syöpäsairaudestaan ilmoittaneen Pretty Maids –vokalisti Ronnie Atkinsin sekä Eclipsen keulamies Erik Mårtenssonin yhteisprojekti Nordic Union on julkaissut uuden singlen ja lyriikkavideon “My Fear And My Faith” –kappaleesta. Biisi löytyy yhtyeen vuonna 2018 ilmestyneeltä toiselta albumilta ”Second Coming”.
Ronnie Atkins kommentoi:
I feel great about this new album! Whereas the first album was a bit of a “pilot project“, since we didn’t really know each other that well, this time it was more of a collaboration since we talked a lot about the direction of the individual songs, as well as me being more involved in the songwriting, though mainly lyrically. The first album turned out quite well and I still think it’s a great debut, to be honest. But from when we decided to do a second one, we kind of agreed to not just copy the first album, but without stepping too far away from the original formula and I think we succeeded in that. “Second Coming“ is a bit more mature, so to speak. A bit deeper, melancholic if I may say so, but still with great melodies and hooks! More unified, really and I’m pretty convinced that those who liked the first one will dig this one too.
Mårtensson jatkaa:
With this album we took the bits and pieces that what we liked on our debut album and used those as a starting point when we started to write. What we aimed for was to create our own sound and identity and I think we achieved that goal. There are Nordic folk music influences, a bit of melancholy, and absolutely packed with melodies. I love how it turned out. Also, Ronnie Atkins is a fantastic singer and it’s truly an honor to have the opportunity to work with him.
Ronnie Atkins – Lead & Backing Vocals
Erik Martensson – Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Bass, Keyboards and Backing Vocals
Magnus Ulfstedt – Drums
Lähde: Frontiers
Kuva: SAVAGE BEAUTY – Photo & Make Up
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.