Norjalainen black metal –yhtye Mork on julkaissut uuden kappaleen ja lyriikkavideon ”På Tvers Av Tidene” tulevalta ”Det Svarte Juv” –levyltä. Albumi ilmestyy Peacevillen kautta 19.4.2019 ja on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.
Levy-yhtiö kuvaa albumia seuraavasti:
Following on from its 2017 Peaceville Records debut “Eremittens Dal”, Mork returns with a continuation of dark, spell-binding, ever evolving Black Metal in the shape of “Det Svarte Juv”.
Cold and atmospheric, raw and haunting, this 2019 opus marks a new highpoint for the band with a journey through ten unhallowed soundscapes, covering classic Black Metal, Black and Roll, Doom, and a large dose of melancholy, as well as bringing to mind masters of the genre such as Darkthrone and Burzum.
Conceived during a period of personal dark tribulations, and including themes of deep hate & anger, but also strength and self-belief, Det Svarte Juv was recorded and performed by Eriksen, and mastered by Jack Control at Enormous Door (Darkthrone).
The artwork for comes courtesy of French artist, David Thiérrée (Behemoth), perfectly portraying the final leap from the edge into endless darkness.
Kansi ja kappalelista:
1 Mørkeleggelse
2 Da Himmelen Falt
3 På Tvers Av Tidene
4 Den Utstøtte
5 I Flammens Favn
6 Skarpretterens Øks
7 Den Kalde Blodsvei
8 Siste Reis
9 Karantene
10 Det Svarte Juv
Lähde: Peaceville