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Moonspell julkistanut lisätiedot ”1755”- albumista

Portugalin dark metal veteraani Moonspell julkaisee teemalevyn ”1755” marraskuussa. Yhtye on nyt iskenyt linjoille levyn kansitaiteen sekä kappalelistan. Albumi kertoo vuoden 1755 Lissabonin kaupungin lähes täysin tuhonneesta maanjäristyksestä ja on kokonaan portugalinkielinen. Levy on kaupoissa 3.11.2017.

Keulamies Fernando Ribeiro kommentoi:

I have been fascinated with Portuguese history since I can remember. The year of 1755 marked the birth of a new Portugal. Much more than just the greatest natural disaster ever to occur on European soil, the great Lisbon Quake, shockwaves cannot be reduced to a dramatic death toll. From absolute tragedy, a new city was born, giving way to a new time where Portuguese relied more on themselves than on the crown or the cross, granting us much of the city, the lay country, the free will that we enjoy today.

This is not just another album from us. It’s a musical and lyrical history document, a homage we pay to our legacy and to the amazing skills and resilience of our fellow Portuguese back then, of all mankind when brought down to the knees by the violent forces of nature and reason. Whatever is, is right… yet the earth shakes.

1. Em Nome Do Medo
2. 1755
3. In Tremor Dei (feat. Paulo Bragança)
4. Desastre
5. Abanão
6. Evento
7. 1 De Novembro
8. Ruínas
9. Todos Os Santos
10. Lanterna Dos Afogados

Traileri katsottavissa alta:

Lähde: Napalm Records

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