Michael Schenker Group julkaisee uuden albuminsa ”Immortal” 29.1.2021 (Nuclear Blast). Levy juhlistaa Michael Schenkerin 50-vuotista taivalta muusikkona.
Katso musiikkivideo kappaleesta ”Sail the Darkness” alta:
Laulaja Ronnie Romero kommentoi:
“Since I listened the demo I got the feeling that this would become in a great song, because it sounds like the great old Hard Rock songs and the riff is just Michael Schenker at his best! And to me it’s even more special because I had the chance to write the lyrics. I’m pretty sure the fans gonna love this one!”
Ennakkotilaukset: http://nblast.de/MSG-Immortal
Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Laurence Harvey