Death metal –ryhmä Memoriam on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta “Nothing Remains” tulevalta 23.3.2018 Nuclear Blastin kautta ilmestyvältä “Silent Vigil” –albumilta. Kappale kertoo dementian yksilölle ja yhteisölle aiheuttamasta tuhosta. Videon livemateriaali on taltioitu Dark Easter Metal Meeting -festareilla Münchenissa sekä Asylumissa Birminghamissa.
Video on Timm Sonnenscheinin käsialaa:
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’Nothing Remains’ is about dementia and in particular about Karl’s (Willets) mother’s struggle with this condition. The video is showing the experience of loss and dissolution brought about by the disease in the burning of old family portraits of Karl’s mother and family, parents of Memoriam members and of friends as well as random strangers. Similar to us all being of the same blood as expressed in the previously released ’Bleed the Same’ we also all die and decay the same.
1. Soulless Parasite
2. Nothing Remains
3. From The Flames
4. The Silent Vigil
5. Bleed The Same
6. As Bridges Burn
7. The New Dark Ages
8. No Known Grave
9. Weaponised Fear
Lähde: Nuclear Blast