Tasaiseen tahtiin levyjä ulos puskeva ja Bolt Throwerin perintöä jatkava death metal -yhtye Memoriam on siirtymässä studioon taltioimaan neljättä levyään ”To The End”. Albumi esittelee bändin uuden rumpalin Spike T Smithin ja ilmestyy maaliskuussa 2021.
Yhtye kertoo Andy Whalen poistumisesta ja Smithin liittymisestä seuraavaa:
Andy (Whale) has had to step down from the drum stool permanently due to a long-term shoulder injury that is just not getting better whilst playing drums. He did not take the decision lightly and tried to carry on but it affected him so badly playing that he had no choice but to retire from playing for the foreseeable future. Bringing Spike into the fold reunites the rhythm section of Sacrilege. Frank and Spike have worked on and off together since the mid eighties, so he fits in very well with Memoriam. The album will showcase his immense drumming skills and he brings in a whole new dynamic to the bands sound. We cannot wait for you to hear him on the finished album.
Tulevan levyn tuottajana toimii jälleen kerran Russ Russell.
After working with Russ on our last album and the resulting magic he weaved for our sound it was a no brainer to continue our working relationship with him, he really is an essential cog of the Memoriam machine.
Lähde: Reaper Entertainment
Kuva: ©Timm Sonnenschein