Brasilialainen punkia ja hard rockia yhdistelevä Mars Addict on julkaissut uuden albuminsa ”Lamecoaster”. Vuonna 2018 perustettu yhtye on saanut vaikutteita Ramonesilta, Green Dayltä ja Rancidilta.
Yhtye kommentoi levyään: ”Lamecoaster has ten tracks that range from the dance rhythm of the 60s, as in Scared 2 and Snowboarding With My Dealer, to the hardcore One Heartbeat, a hymn for union and tolerance. The weight appears on the soundtrack of the zombie apocalypse Chainsaw Hedgemaze Mayhem. There is still room for feelings, be it missing school days (Back to School), missing those who are gone (In My Head), love when it is at its peak (Chibi and Not Your Song) and when it is at the end, as in title track and the already classic I’m Not Ok. The difference in rhythms and themes makes the songs complement each other and protect the listener from boredom.”
Lähde: Mars Addict
Kuva: Daniel Iglesias