Valokuvaaja Lynn Goldsmith julkaisee 340-sivuisen kovakantisen kuvakirjan “KISS: 1977-1980” lokakuussa. Teos on valmisteltu yhteistyössä Paul Stanleyn ja Gene Simmonsin kanssa ja sisältää 250 valokuvaa, joista monet aiemmin näkemättömiä yhtyeen 1970-luvun lopun menestysvuosilta. 10.10.2017 ilmestyvän kirjan saa ennakkotilattua 49,50 dollarin (n. 43 euroa) hintaan linkistä.
Goldsmith on viihdemaailman tunnetuimpia valokuvaajia ja on kuvannut laajasti mm. Bruce Springsteenia, Michael Jacksonia sekä Rolling Stonesia.
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Chances are you’ve seen numerous iconic pictures by award-winning photographer Lynn Goldsmith, who has photographed every important rock musician and band of the late twentieth century: The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, The Police, Talking Heads, Frank Zappa, Bob Dylan, and Patti Smith, among many others. Published in conjunction with the band, KISS: 1977 – 1980 is the definitive photographic chronicle of KISS at the height of their popularity, showcasing the band on and off stage, in the photo studio, and in unguarded candid moments. From her archive, Goldsmith has compiled fan favorites as well as many never-before-seen photographs, all which perfectly capture the enduring phenomenon that is KISS.
Goldsmith, Stanley, and Simmons have created this book as a thanks to the KISS Army, many of whom have been devoted to the band for more than 40 years and have brought their children and grandchildren into appreciating the music, as well as the spectacle of the band’s live performances. With a simple matte white laminated padded cover that highlights the KISS logo and edged with gilding, the end result could be compared to a kind of bible, holding the relics that their supporters cherish.
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Kuva: Lynn Goldsmith