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Lost In Grey julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen ”The Entourage” tulevalta albumiltaan ”Odyssey into the Grey”

Kuva: Anne Rajala, Miika Haavisto & Mikko Virtanen

Tiedote 11.1.2024

Kotimainen teatraalista metallia soittava Lost In Grey julkaisee seuraavan albuminsa ”Odyssey into the Grey” 5.4.2024.

Yhtye julkaisi levyltä ensimmäisen singlen ”The Entourage” videon kera.

Anne Lill kertoo: ”This new album continues the Grey Realms saga, and this song presents us, the actors, and the characters we are playing. It is also an invitation to the listener to come and join our twisted musical adventure. In the music video we can see the band members in various backstage activities before and after the show.”

Even if the video doesn’t reveal much about the ”Odyssey into the Grey”, the music clearly shows where the journey is heading: epic, bombastic and complex, a very well thought-out work of art!

Harri Koskela jatkaa: ”’The Entourage’ is the bombastic opening track of Lost in Grey’s upcoming fourth album, as well as the first single release. It was also the first song composed for this new album. I tend to like to start the new album composing process by exploring where I would like our music to travel next based on where we ended the previous release. This album was no exception to that, and I truly had a nice, adventurous journey with this song, as well as with the rest of the album songs. Musically ’The Entourage’ represents the album quite well, as most of our main elements are featured on it, and it’s dramatic, complex… a musical rollercoaster.”

Katso video:


Harri Koskela – Keyboards, vocals and composer
Anne Lill Rajala – Vocals and lyrics
Emily Leone – Vocals and violin
Aapo Lindberg – Bass
Miika Haavisto – Guitar
Jarno Suodenjoki – Guitar
Teppo Ristola – Drums



Lähde: El Puerto Records
Kuva: Anne Rajala, Miika Haavisto & Mikko Virtanen

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